Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Great 2008

I hope you had a very merry Christmas. I am wishing you a wonderfully blessed New Year. Your 2008 can be great. It can be your best year yet. Don't waste these few days we have until the New Year. We must plan to have great years. This too is a process. Great years don't just happen. It is how we prepare for them that makes them great or how we don't prepare for them that makes them less than memorable. If you don't know what great things the Lord would have you to do, pray right now. Ask the Lord to reveal to you what great things he wants you to accomplish in 2008. Wait for him to reveal his plans for you. What you may have been planning and what he has planned could be two very different things. Get on the Lord's page. Once we know what great things we're to do then we should visualize our selves doing these things. What are you accomplishing? Who are you helping? What are you building? What contribution are you making to make this world a better place? See yourself doing these things. It's usually pretty easy to see ourselves doing great things; however, we must also see ourselves doing the planning for these great things. We can't go from doing nothing today to tomorrow saving the world, but we can plan today for tomorrow's great thing. What is our plan to carry out this great thing? What is the process involved in accomplishing this great thing? Success is a planned event. Remember, nothing in life just happens. If we aren't planning to be successful, we are planning to fail. Develop a plan that will help you to accomplish that great thing in 2008.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Way 2: Life Savers

life preserverThe second Way from my list of twenty is, "Exercise discipline and self control in every area of your life, instead of being slothful and out of a balance." Although discipline and self control are required of Christians, not all Christians exercise them. Without them, we are no different from the world because we too would then be living by our sensuous desires (the flesh). We should know by now that when we allow our flesh to lead us we mess up every time. Christians are called to discipline their flesh. We literally have to beat it into subjection. 1 Corinthians 9:27 The New Living Translation reads, "I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should." From the NIV the same scripture reads, "No, I beat my body and make it my slave..." Both translations of this scripture give us a visual picture of how disciplining our flesh should look. What happens when we don't discipline our flesh? We get into trouble every single time. It caused me to over spend, gain weight, become unhealthy, be rude, not consider time, be a gossip, be lazy, be a poor mother, and more. I had too many hang ups to list right here. Because I failed to discipline my flesh, I was out of control all the time. I was so out of balance, because all I did was cater to my flesh. I only did what I wanted to do whether it was right or wrong. This could have been deadly for me. Look at what happened to David in 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12. David saw Bathsheba bathing and instantly had to have her. This one move created one of the worst debacles ever. If only he had disciplined his flesh, things would have been different for his family and Bathsheba's husband. Look at what happened to Achan in Joshua chapter 7. He just refused to wait. He took what belonged to God. He and his family met their demise. Disciplining our flesh means that we have to tell our flesh what is good for it and what's not good for it. How do we know what's good and what's not? Read our Bible. We have to make ourselves do what is right and make ourselves stop doing what's wrong. At first, doing the right thing may seem totally wrong, because it may be extremely difficult to do. Do the right thing anyway. We have to fight through the pain of training our flesh by doing the right thing until it becomes a habit for us. That means we have to do it over and over and over again, despite how uncomfortable it may first be. We have to retrain our minds and that retraining will produce new actions. Please refer back to my original article 20 Ways to Grow Up in God. The original article explains how the process of renewing our minds works. We should think before we speak and before we act. Don't act hastily. We must think about our actions before we do them. Once we begin the discipline part, we must then exercise self control. We must take control of our flesh and maintain that control. We can't allow our flesh to get out of control and become unruly. If that happens, Proverbs 25; 28 says we basically become useless, " a city with broken down walls." We would be of no good to our selves or anyone else. 1 Peter 5:8 states, "Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." So, if you are not self controlled nor alert you make yourself easy prey for the devil to devour. When we are out of balance, we are our own worst enemy. We may wonder why things aren't going our way. We may ask God why didn't certain things work out for us, not realizing that we were our own hindrances, because of our lack of self control. Until we get in order, we shouldn't expect things to go well for us. We all have discipline, and we all have self control. However, we don't all exercise them, nor do we all exercise them at the same rate. Right now, we must plan to exercise both of them in every area of our lives. Today is the day for change. Today is the day that we conquer wrong mind sets. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. With God on our side, there's nothing we can't do! Ask the Lord what mind sets you need to change. Ask him to help you change them. You must walk these changes out hour by hour. I never said it would be easy. Boldly confess that you have discipline and self control in these areas. When I was working at losing weight, I confessed, "I have discipline and self control in my eating habits. I eat to live. I only eat to become satisfied in Jesus name." Honestly, I said this all day long, and my eating habits did change; however, I had to do some work that wasn't pleasant. I put my money where my mouth was, and I put my fork down and turned my plate over. The change didn't come by confession alone. It took work along with the confession. Actually, visualize yourself exercising discipline and self control in specific situations. See the outcome you are expecting. We don't have to go through life being out of order Christians. If you think that you are out of order, make the choice today to exercise discipline and self control. You may possibly be saving your life.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Remember the Reason for the Season

Before you rush out to the mall to buy another thing, before you dash in the grocery store to get yet another item for Christmas dinner, before you open your mouth to complain again about all the money you've spent... STOP! Wait a minute. Refuse to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that so many associate with Christmas. The same way that we must do these other things is the same way that we must remember that Jesus Christ is the only reason for the season. We must go out of our way to acknowledge him during this time. Even though we must get to the sale at the mall, we must begin our day with praise and thanksgiving. Praise him for his selfless act of being born to die for us. Thank him for being our redeemer. Even though we must get to the grocery store to get the rolls for Christmas dinner, we must reflect on his goodness. How good is he to have been born to save us from our sins? Even though we must balance our checkbooks because of the extra spending, we must first thank him for showing us how to function in this world as he did. In everything that we do at this time of the year, we must put him first. We must give him his due time in all that we do. For he is the only reason for the season.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Revision: 20 Ways to Grow Up in God

In an earlier post 20 Ways to Grow Up in God, I listed several ways that we can actually grow up in God. I want to revisit that list, because I think I gave too many Ways at once. I think I should have spent more time developing each Way. As it is now, I think the list will just be read and not applied. If I allow it to go at that, then I have not allowed the blog to serve its purpose. The purpose of that blog is to change lives. If a person changes their mind set on a particular topic, then they change their behaviors associated with that topic as well. This is the life changing part. The purpose of this blog as well as future blogs will be to give a more detailed discussion of each Way from that list. To grow up in God means that we must trash behaviors that don't glorify God and adopt the ways of Jesus Christ that glorify God every time. As we grow, we should become more and more Christ like. In order to become like Christ, we must act, do something, make a move. We can't just sit back and wait for the Lord to drop a change on us. No, we must immerse ourselves in the Word of God by reading it, listening to it, speaking it, and hearing it. We must apply it to our lives. Once the application (the act, the something, the move) takes place, then the change will begin to occur.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Think About It

I found this quote by Gandhi more than interesting. "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." After reading it, all I could do is say, "Wow. Now, that's a deep statement!" Based on this quote, it sounds like some of us have some growing up to do (as if we didn't already know it). Give me your thoughts.

Way 1: Tongue Control

The first Way from the list of twenty is, "Think before you speak , instead of giving everyone a piece of your mind." Boy, this is valuable. If you're going around giving everyone a piece of your mind, people probably (hate is a strong word, so I'll say it nicely) aren't pleased with your presence. In her book, "The Secret Power of speaking God's Word," Joyce Meyer sums up Proverbs 16:23 as, "Think before you speak because the mind of the wise instructs his mouth. "Wow!" This is simply stated, but it packs a lot of punch. The wise don't allow their mouths to run wild or engage in idle conversation. Wise individuals don't open their mouths and speak haphazardly. They don't allow any old junk to pop out of their mouths. No, the wise mind instructs his mouth on what to speak. The wise mind orders his speech; therefore, the wise person thinks before he speaks because he instructs his mouth on exactly what to say. Have you ever said something that you didn't mean to say? It kind of popped out before you knew it. I used to do that quite a bit. I did it because, I failed to think before I spoke. We should allow our minds to instruct our mouths, before we open them to speak. This actually took work for me. I had to actually monitor what I said. I had to learn that I couldn't say everything that I thought. I had to actually think about what I said before I said it. Psalm 141:3 reads, "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." Not only did I pray for the Lord to do this, I confessed that I "guarded the doors of my mouth." Only then, did my speech pattern change. I stopped complaining, grumbling, and gossipping. I stopped giving everyone a piece of my mind. I learned to speak constructively, even when I didn't agree with what was being said. I learned that just because I didn't agree with a person, I didn't have to give them a verbal lashing. This didn't happen instantaneously, because all I knew to do was go off if things didn't go my way, or if I felt like I was being attacked. It did take work on my part. I can remember one time when I was being trained to "guard the doors of my mouth" and my husband said something that I didn't find too pleasing. Boy, I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but when I opened my mouth to speak, absolutely nothing came out. The Lord held my tongue, because he knew I had let my guard down and that I wasn't standing on either of these two scriptures. If you would like to make a change in this area, pray these two scriptures. Tell the Lord you want to think before you speak. Ask him to help you do this and to do Psalm 141:3. Try confessing both scriptures out loud daily. Be mindful of your conversation. With the Lord's help you can control what you speak. Why not start now?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Who Wants To Be Married?

If you want to be married, this is a list of things that you should do in preparation for marriage. Preparing one's self for a Godly marriage is a process. This is not something that will happen over night. I repeat it is a process. How many months must a woman carry a baby before delivery? How long does it take to actually start a business? How long does it take to get a driver's license. Each of the items I just listed involves a different process. A process does not happen over night. This marriage preparation does work. However, you must be committed to do the work that comes with it. I did it and met my husband shortly after this.

Think about why you want to get married (be honest). Make a list. Make sure your reasons for wanting to be married are acceptable to God.

Become the type of person that you want to marry. Create a list of specific things that you want in a husband. Make sure you possess each thing.

Do you cook? If you answered, "No." You'd better learn.

Trash extra baggage. If you're carrying baggage from an old relationship or past hurt. Heal, forgive if you need to, and move on.

Sever all ties to past relationships. Get rid of old love letters, photos, and/or mementos from former beaus. No need to reminiscence about the past, because you're moving on.

Clean up. Clean up you mind and attitude. Clean up your apartment or house. Clean up your finances. Clean up your health.

Read the book of Esther in the Bible. Read carefully about the process that she under went in preparation to be received by the king. Meditate on her favorable characteristics.

Read Proverbs 31. Speak those things that be not and confess that you are a Proverbs 31 Wife. Understand what this type of wife looks like. This is your goal.

Read the Bible to find out what God says about marriage. Read Christian books to prepare your mind for marriage. While reading, find out what your role is to be in the marriage.

Pray about it. Tell the Lord you're ready to begin the marriage process. Let him speak to you about it. Tell him the type of wife you're ready to become. Specifically, list the characteristics you'd like your future husband to possess. Ask God to remove any marriage hindering attitudes from you. Pray for your future husband. You don't have to know his name or who he is. Pray for the protection, wisdom, favor, finances, and strength of your future husband. Those same things that you pray for yourself, pray for him. Allow the Lord to choose your husband. Once you've gone through the list, ask the Lord to bless you with eyes to see your future husband. The Lord doesn't care about "your type." He could care less about the type of guy you're usually attracted to. Get rid of that picture. The Lord looks at the inside. If you allow the Lord to choose your husband, he will bless you with so much more than you ever could have imagined.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's So Special About Christmas?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. It's the day Christians celebrate as being the birth of mankind's redeemer. It's the day Jesus Christ our Saviour was born. It is to be a day of great rejoicing. In preparation for the Holy day, I've included a few of my all time favorite Christmas things. Try one. Try them all.

1. To get a deeper understanding of what Christmas is all about and to find out exactly what is so special about it, read Kenneth Copeland's article "The Day Heaven Rocked" in the December issue of The Believer's Voice of Victory at After reading this article, you too will know what all the excitement concerning Christmas is about.
2. Fred Hammond's Christmas CD, released in 2001, ...Just Remember is wonderful! It's so wonderful, I listen to it all year long.
3. Although it's not a Christmas item, I use it every Christmas to cook her fabulous macaroni and cheese. Patti LaBelle's cookbook, LaBelle Cuisine, is excellent! Her recipe, "Over-the-Rainbow-Macaroni and Cheese," is the BOMB. It's my belief that everyone should try it at lest once.
4. The Family Man rated PG-13, starring Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni released in 2001, is one of my favorite Christmas movies. It really makes me think and reflect. This movie reminds me that perspective is everything.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thwarting Deception

When Christians are faced with new situations, our first line of defense should always be to pray about it every time. I know in many situations we may feel that we know enough about about a thing to make an educated decision about it, so in this instance we feel that we are exempt from praying about it. No, not true, wrong!! Even after we've surveyed it by looking at it, hearing it, touching it, and even tasting it if we can, we still have to pray about it. Although we may think we know what's good for us, only God in his infinite wisdom can make the determination of what is best for us. In Joshua chapter 9, the Gibeonites set out to deceive Joshua and the Israelites. They clearly believed that Joshua would execute the the God given instructions in Deuteronomy 7:1-2, "When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations-the Hitties, Girgashites, Amorites,Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusties, seven nations larger and stronger than you-and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy." They also knew what Joshua did to Jericho and Ai-obliterated them. Although they resorted to a plan of deception, they were not deceived about what God was doing for his people. There was no doubt in the minds of the Gibeonites that the Lord's plan was definitely going down. They obviously believed that they did not stand a chance in battle, so they didn't engage the Israelites in one as the other nations surrounding them were planning to do. Now, the Gibeonites were not believer's in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, yet they believed in the Lord's plan for his people so strongly that they devised a scheme to attempt to dodge death. The Gibeonites plan was to get the Israelites to believe they were travelers from a distant land (not their neighbors) who had traveled to meet them because of the fame of their God and to get them to agree to a treaty with them. If they could get the Israelites to agree to a treaty with them (even under false pretenses), the Israelites could not destroy them when they claimed their land. They looked the part of tired, weary travelers from their clothing to their provisions. They wore old, patched clothing, worn shoes, and shared old moldy bread. The Israelites tested the Gibeonites provisions, dried, old bread, but they didn't seek the Lord. They entered into a treaty with the Gibeonites without seeking God. The Israelites were fooled by their senses. They were fooled by what they saw-old worn shoes and clothing, tasted-old, dry bread, and heard-they had journeyed from a land afar. The Israelites, who had relied on God up to this very point for everything (food, living instructions,travel directions, plan of attack, success in battle), suddenly, relied on their own understanding. What understanding could they possibly have thought they had? Up to this point the only understanding they had came from God, because they couldn't make a move apart from him. To further prove their deception, the travelers shared their provisions in Joshua 9:12, "This bread of ours was warm when we packed it at home on the day we left to see you. But now see how dry and moldy it is and these wine skins that were filled were new, but see how cracked they are and our clothes and shoes are worn out by the very long journey." Their appearance did look as though they had traveled from afar. Their scheme proved to be quite believable. They sounded convincing as well, "Your servants have come from a very distant country because of the fame of the Lord your God." That second part was true, because they believed what God had done and believed what God would do. The Israelites leaned to their own understanding and not God's. They should have inquired to the Lord about this, because it was a very serious matter. The Israelites did exactly what God told them not to do, so they would have to suffer the consequences of their actions, sooner or later. Back in Joshua chapter 3:4, Joshua instructed the Israelites to follow the ark of the covenant as they crossed the Jordan River, so they would know which way to go, because they had never been that way before. He gave specific directions as to how they should follow the ark and cross into the new land. Those same specific instructions should have been applied to this situation. Entering into a treaty was also new for them. They had never been this way before either. A group of men asked to make a treaty with them and Joshua didn't even know from which they came. But guess who knows everything about everything? God knows. Our senses can be easily fooled, because they don't know beyond what they see, hear, feel, or taste. God knows beyond these things. God knows that our senses are not accurate indicators of truth. Our senses can't go beyond what they do. They can never stand up to the wisdom of God. Our senses are not to be trusted. We shouldn't make poor choices because of what we see, hear, feel, or taste. This is an example of how our senses are not to be trusted. Christians should not make decisions apart from God. We are to seek him first then our paths will be made straight and then we will have good success.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Allow God to Define Your Character

During a three day liquid fast, the phone rang. I immediately looked at the caller I.D. It was that person calling me again that I didn't want to talk to. I didn't answer it. As soon as I put the phone down, the Lord said to me, "Do not allow others to define your character." I had to stop for a minute to think about what he had just given me. I knew that the person calling was going to ask me to do something that I really didn't want to do. Rather than have the long discussion as to why I couldn't do it, I would just avoid the call. Just like that he dropped his wisdom on me; however, I was hoping for a deep moving word from the Lord. I was waiting to receive divine revelation. This was not what the word for which I had been waiting. By not taking the call, I was giving that person the opportunity to think of me in an unfavorable manner. I was allowing that person to define who they thought I was. She could have possibly thought, "She's rude and inconsiderate. She wouldn't even return my call." This individual could rightfully think that about me, because I hadn't planned on disproving it by returning her call. As a matter of fact, I had no intention of talking to her at all. Although, it wasn't like I would never see the person again either. Actually, I would have been seeing that individual in about two weeks. When I saw her face to face, what could I say. What excuse could I offer that wasn't a lie? Unless I lied, I wouldn't have an excuse. Before I called her back, I prayed that the Lord would order my speech and bless me with a spirit of bravery and boldness to have the conversation that I knew would ensue. I did it. I called her back. Of course she told me that she had already called me twice. I did all that I knew to do. I apologized. I apologized for not getting back with her sooner and moved on. Then she began to ask me questions that I knew were leading up to the ultimate question. I broke in at that point and just gave her the answer to the question that she hadn't asked but was leading up to. I politely explained the situation and she understood. It was quick and simple. It wasn't this long drawn out conversation that I previously thought we would have. Now, she could not paint the wrong picture of me. I didn't do what she needed me to; however, I handled the situation with integrity. I felt so much better after this. Later on, a relative of mine told me that she too received a call from the same person and she too didn't take her call. She knew that she would be asked the same question that I answered but hadn't been asked, but she didn't want to have the conversation at all. So, she refused to take her call. The Lord showed me that I had to do the right thing no matter who else was or was not doing it. I had to grow up in him and this was part of it. Part of growing up meant being able to do the right thing even when it isn't easy nor was it popular. The word that he gave me that day was exactly the word that I needed at that point in my walk with God. God's Word is always right on time. I just didn't realize it then. If I couldn't do the right thing by him in this situation, why should he give me this deeper revelation for which I had been looking? Another time, I called an individual on two different occasions. Neither time did she call me back nor even make mention of the fact that she received my message. I'd like to say I did the Godly thing and gave her the benefit of the doubt, but I didn't. I called her rude. I wished I had stopped there, but I didn't. I went on to say that she didn't have to worry about me calling her again, because I wasn't. At a later date, I agreed to do something for her. When the time came, I honestly forgot about it. Part of me wanted to call her and apologize for forgetting to do what I told her I would. The other part of me was like, "Oh, well. Too bad, I missed it. I'm not calling her. Why should I call her? She didn't call me back," and I moved on. A few minutes later, I was convicted. The Lord reminded me, "Do not allow others to define your character." Despite what that individual did not do, I know the right thing to do, and I am held accountable for doing it (period). No, she didn't handle the situation correctly. However, that didn't give me the green light to do the same. Even if she didn't handle the situation the way that I thought she should have, why couldn't I give her an out (the same out that I would have wanted someone to give me)? What would it have cost me to say that I wouldn't hold it against her? It wouldn't have cost me a thing. Two wrongs don't make a right, nor would they have made me feel better. The Lord doesn't want to hear my excuses about why I didn't do what he told me to do. Why should I allow someone the opportunity to think about me in in less than a pleasing light? The Lord is showing me that Christians are called to a higher level of accountability. We aren't given the option as to whether or not we want to take him up on it. We just have to do it. There are no other options. Christians are to do the right thing despite how we or anyone else may feel about it. How we feel about it really is irrelevant. If the Lord said do it, then do it. There it is! If you ever find yourself in similar situations, do the right thing.

Monday, December 3, 2007

New Position: Stay- at- Home Mom

I had no idea of what I was getting into when I requested this position. The usual banter on the job site was, "No, you didn't. Yes, I did. No, you didn't. Mom, tell her I didn't..."If I heard that one more time, I thought I might just SCREAM! If it wasn't that, then it was, "Mom can you get me...? Then, can you get me...? OK mom?" I heard this every day all day long from the time they awoke until the time they went to sleep. Back then, it would have been nicer to hear something like, "Mom can I get you anything for a change?" It would have been even nicer to hear, "You know what mom I'm not going to ask you for one more thing. I'm just going to sit here and watch the channel that I've been watching and be content. I'm not going to ask you to do one more thing." By the time my youngest two went to bed, I didn't want anyone to ask me for anything. Since I lived in the real world, that couldn't have happened, because that was usually when one of my oldest had an urgent request that had to be fulfilled as soon as possible. She usually needed me to curl her hair, proof read her homework, or tell her if the two shades of black in her outfit matched. I used to think, "Man, can they do anything without me? Do I have to be the center of every activity?" My pressing question was, " What time do I get off? When can I punch out?" When I was a teacher, my work day began at 7:25 am and it ended at 2:50 pm. I knew once 2:50 hit my job at the high school was over for that day. My new position, didn't come with a quitting time. I soon realized that I worked around the clock although I never negotiated my work hours. "Hey, I want to talk to the boss around here, because I know my contract couldn't be right," I thought. That nagging voice in my head wanted to say, "Excuse me, Excuse me, where's the supervisor, because I need to get to the bottom of this." I traded one job where I worked 7.5 hours per day and no weekends for one where I was always on call, 24/7. In my former position, I was paid biweekly and received benefits. My new job didn't come with a financial salary nor medical benefits. "This couldn't be legal," I thought. "To do the kind of work that I do and not get paid...that must be against the law." The qualifications for this type of job are bravery, strength, determination, motivation, patience, endurance, and, optimism. Individuals applying for this position must be saved and have a working relationship with Jesus Christ (They're sure going to need it.). Applicants should be forewarned that in this position, "Only the strong survive. The weak need not apply. If you can't run with the big dogs remain at your current position." My job was not a job for wimps nor whiners. My job is full time motherhood. Believe me, It's no joke! When I first started, I had no idea what I was in for. As a teacher, I commanded the attention of up to 25 teenagers and I had struggled to get one toddler and one baby to sit down and watch Sesame Street while I took a shower. "Excuse me," there was that voice again. "Where's the person in charge? Someone must have made a mistake, because this isn't what I signed up for." Those first few months at home were a challenge. Once again, I had to grow up and step up. I reminded myself that I was the one who said I wanted to be a stay -at- home mom more than anything. I was the one that said I gave other people's kids my best and gave mine what was left. I was the one that said I finally wanted to get this "mommy thing" right. I was the one that prayed to become a stay- at- home mom and confessed daily that I was. I was the one that prayed for patience, gentleness, and compassion in dealing with my children. I had to get over myself. I had to stop thinking about me and start thinking more about my children and what was best for them. Once I prayed for patience, gentleness, and compassion, it was on. The time soon came when I had to exercise them. I just didn't know that I would have to exercise them all at the same time over and over and over again. Once I got over myself, I started to view my new position in a new light. I used to think, "How many hours do I have until 8:00 pm (bedtime)?" Now I think of fun activities that they will enjoy doing. I had to see this new situation for the blessing that it really was. It is truly a blessing to be a stay- at -home mom. I am finally able to slow down and spend the time with my children that I had always wanted to spend. I am able to do all of the things with them that I want to do. I am able to teach them all of the things that I want them to know. I am able to be the mother I've always known I could be. Do I mind now being the center of every activity? I don't mind at all. Actually, I wouldn't have it any other way. I fully enjoy my children now. I marvel at their growth and can't believe one may actually be leaving me to begin kindergarten soon. How fast the time flies when you're having fun. That's right, I said fun. I've come a long way from wanting a paycheck and wanting to punch out. Sometimes, I just want to stop time for a little while, so that I can have them to myself a little longer. I know that's impossible. Instead, I've learned to actually live in the moment and enjoy our time together. I did have to repent for my old way of thinking. It was just plain wrong of me to complain about such a wonderful blessing. Now, when I wake up every morning, I consider myself blessed for having such a wonderful opportunity.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Why Did I Get Married?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Why did I get married? When I didn't know any better, my life seemed much simpler before marriage. No cooking dinner if I didn't want. I could come and go as I pleased. I didn't have to call and check in while I was out. I could change my plans whenever I chose and never had to confirm it with anyone. If I wanted to leave the house at 11:00 pm, I could. I had complete freedom. Not to mention, I didn't even have to make the bed if I didn't want to. I was free to come and go as I very well pleased. That was the life or so I thought. I was the BOSS! Boy, once I was married that was over. There was no more coming and going as I pleased. No way was that going down. If I told him I was going to the store up the street, guess what I had better be going to the store. There was no way in the world I could come back four hours later and say I had changed my plans without calling. If I said I was going to the mall and would be back in a few hours, I actually had to be back in a few hours or call, which I could never remember to do. Too bad, because I learned that one the hard way several times over. In the beginning, it didn't seem to me like I was marriage material. I was a total mess up. It was as if I would wake up and say, "Let's see what I can mess up today." I would just pray, "Lord please don't let me mess up today." It just seemed that my husband and I were never on the same page at the same time. I would be on one page and he would be on another. Sometimes, I felt like we were in totally different books! Boy, that was a rough period. I prayed for my husband constantly as if he was the problem. I should have been praying for myself. I knew I wasn't as right as I could have been, however, I didn't know where to start, so I felt that he could give me a break. He didn't have to be on my case all day, every day. I felt like he should be the bigger person and cut me some slack (not!, no way! never going to happen!) I was doing the best I could. The point of contention in my marriage was my selfishness. That's really what it boiled down to. I didn't treat my husband the way that I wanted to be treated. I thought it was all about me, so that's how I acted; however, I didn't reach this conclusion over night. I was so used to doing my own thing that I continued to do it even after we were married. This is all that I knew. Here I was a grown woman, yet I walked around like a baby who considers no one but herself. Whatever the baby sees, she wants. Whatever the baby wants to do, she does. When the baby is opposed, she cries out. Like a baby I was crying out, "Give me a break! What's the big deal? Stop trying to change me." I never considered how my husband might have been feeling due to my behavior, because I was too busy considering myself. I gave myself an out in this area, because this new way of "being" was foreign to me. To actually consider someone else's feelings, other than my own, all the time now that was new to me. My husband came into the relationship doing these things, so I felt that he should continue to do them, and at some point, I'd catch up. Well, he wasn't buying that. He felt that he deserved the same treatment that he gave, and he wanted it right then. God is good. He gave me just what I needed...a strong man who would not, adamantly refused to budge on this issue. I did give it the old college try. I did have a few moments where I did the right thing. I would call if I was going to be late. Sometimes, I would even remember to make the bed. Every now and then, I would even consider the time and we'd make it to church early. It seemed like I just couldn't do all of these things on the same day, day after day. I wasn't doing them consistently. I had to plan to do the right thing, before I actually did it. Man, talk about pressure. I was under pure pressure. After I did all that I knew to do, I prayed for myself. Until this point, I had been praying for my husband (praying that he would cut me some slack). I prayed that if I was wrong that the Lord would show me. I prayed for eyes to see and hears to hear what he would reveal to me. That didn't take very long. Immediately, he showed me that it was I who was wrong. Then, I prayed for him to show me how to be right consistently, because I had no clue of how to do this. He did show me. By no means was it quick nor easy, but he did show me. It wasn't one of those miraculous things where I was instantaneously delivered from my selfish ways. Nope, I had to walk this one out. I had to get my mind right. I had to change my thought process. It wasn't all about me, nor should it have ever been. It was about the Lord being glorified in my marriage. I had to treat my husband the way that I wanted to be treated. I had to do all that I did as unto the Lord (period.. No excuses). I had to begin by thinking the right thing, and doing the right thing, day after day after day. Was this easy? No! It was incredibly difficult. I ranked it right up there with when I did my student teaching when I was in college. I thought it was the most challenging thing I ever had to do. No textbook ever prepared me for what I encountered in the classroom. It was sink or swim. I became a fast swimmer. This was the case for adapting a right mind set in my marriage. I didn't know it at the time but I was disciplining my flesh, and it was screaming and wailing out under the pressure, because it was literally being crushed. It was being crushed out of existence. I must say that once I sincerely gave it to the Lord, real change began in me. I grew to begin to consider my husband the way that he had been considering me all that time. I can finally say that this is a lesson learned. It is a lesson that I must continually apply throughout my marriage. This married life...,this is the life! Why did I get married? So, I can become what God wants me to become. So, I can grow up in God. So, I can see that this life isn't about me. So, I can have one of the greatest testimonies ever (it's not finished yet). So, I can experience how Christ treated the church. So, I can see how much my husband loves himself (because he is commanded to love me the way that he loves himself). So, I can be a blessing to my man of God, my husband. So, I can train women how to love their husbands. So, I can become a Proverbs 31 wife. So, I could become a we. So, we can raise Godly children. So, we can be an example of a marriage that is rooted in God. So, we can further the kingdom of God. That's why I got married.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

20 Ways to Grow Up in God

I've compiled a list of "Ways to Grow up in God." Please don't think for one minute I only did this list for my readers. This list is compiled of the Ways that I've addressed, am addressing, and need to address consistently. So, by no means is this list just for you. Read the list slowly. Actually ponder each Way. Consider whether or not you need to incorporate a Way into your life. Pray about it. Ask the Lord if you need to incorporate a Way. He always knows best. Your starting point should be the answer to your prayer. If the answer to your prayer is, "Yes," ask the Lord to reveal to you which Way you should apply first. Ask him for the motivation to want to apply the Way, and then for the determination to hang in there during the application of the Way. Also, pray for the success in the mastery of the Way. After you've completed the prayer, confess the way in your life (speak it out loud). For example, I would confess, "I treat others the way I want to be treated." I should confess this at least daily, but it would be even better to confess it several times throughout the day. Romans 4:17 states that God calls those things that do not exist as if they already exist. We are to do the same. When we do this, we are aligning ourselves with the Word of God and allowing his plans to come to pass in our lives. Repeat this process for each Way the Lord reveals to you to apply until he reveals to you that you're finished with this list.

Think before you speak, instead of giving everyone a piece of your mind.

Exercise discipline and self control in every area of your life, instead of being slothful and out of a balance.

Pray for the needs of everyone, instead of just yours and your family's.

Look for ways to serve others, instead of trying to run everybody and everything.

Treat others the way you want to be treated, instead of reserving good treatment for family and friends.

Choose to live by the Word, instead of your emotions.

Realize that your pastor's sermon is for you, instead of your friend.

Ask the Lord to see your spouse the way that he sees him, instead of complaining about what you think is his every shortcoming

Take responsibility for your actions, instead of blaming others.

According to Pastor Michael Freeman, "Do not paint the wrong picture of sin."

Admit when you're wrong and say sorry, instead of acting like you're always right.

Choose to keep a positive perspective, instead of being beaten by worry.

Admit that you don't have to know every thing about everybody and turn a deaf ear to gossip, instead of being an "Enquiring Mind."

Pray everyday, instead of only when you need something.

Be a good steward over all that you have, instead of only those things you deem important.

Receive correction and instruction, instead of being unteachable.

Believe God for what you can't see, instead of limiting God to what you can only see.

Increase the time you spend reading the Bible, instead of only reading it during Sunday School and church as instructed by the teacher and the pastor.

Live up to those high expectations that you set for everyone else, instead of giving yourself an out.

Extend the benefit of the doubt to everyone again and again, instead of being so quick to make an assumption about them.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Exact Imitation

Have you ever seen a knock off handbag? Some people love them because they can get a designer look without paying a designer price. I've actually seen a few, and I have to admit the few that I saw did look real... from afar. Upon closer inspection, the fake bags didn't stand a chance. They were of poor quality. The stitching was crooked, the leather was cheap, and the designer stamp imprinted on the inside of the bag was weak. Some just can't afford the real thing while others with the money are unwilling to pay the steep price. But one thing is for sure, there is a price to pay if you want either bag. Which ever you choose, you get what you pay for. Be glad this is not the case for our salvation. The costly price of our salvation has already been paid. Jesus Christ paid the price. Good thing, because no matter how badly we may have wanted it, we could never afford the price of salvation. God knew we could not afford it and had another plan in place since the very beginning. We are not resigned to accept a "knock off," salvation, but the real thing. In this case, we got what we didn't pay for! Ephesian 5:1 calls Christians to be "imitators of God." We are to "live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave himself for us." We are to fashion ourselves after the example that God gave us in Jesus Christ. Unlike the production of an imitation bag, imitating Christ is by no means a small assignment. It comes with a sack of other assignments. We must first acknowledge his Word as truth before any imitation can take place. In order to imitate him, we must first know exactly how he acted. The only way to know how he acted is to spend time in the Word of God by studying or listening to it. Before the creation of the fake bag, its maker spends a great deal of time examining every inch of the real bag in order to produce an exact replica. We should conduct that same type of examination of the Bible, so that we have the knowledge of the scriptures that we need for the imitation of God. Once the bag maker has completed his examination, he's ready to begin the building of the bag. He sits down at this sewing machine and applies all that he's learned about the real bag to make the fake one. Before we can apply what we've learned, we have to undo what we've been doing. That's right, we have to undo the mind sets that we've held for a lifetime. Those mind sets must be undone, because those mind sets are what caused our evil ways (greed, bitterness, rage, impurity, brawling, slander, foolish talk). We should pray that the Word of God takes root in our hearts and changes us from the inside out. Then, we have to patiently practice the Word of God over and over and over again to renew our minds. Our minds will become full of God's Word. We have to practice speaking it, practice reading it, practice writing it, and practice applying it. The renewing of our minds will cause a new thinking pattern that lines up with the Word of God. This new thinking pattern will then produce new behaviors that line up with the Word of God. Then we will be exact imitators of God. Despite his best efforts, the bag maker's attempts will be flawed. Although his outcome may look similar to the real thing, we know that upon inspection its over for the the knock off. Its maker never had the original design. He was at a loss before he ever began. Here's an opportunity for you and I to rejoice! We have been given the original design. We have the blue prints for becoming like Christ, the Bible. Not only do we have the instructions, we also have examples of how these instructions look upon application. We can be as Christ was in this world. We don't have to settle for "knock off" status.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


When my daughter was younger, she wanted to be a cheerleader badly. She couldn't wait for the little league football season to begin. She soon realized, however,that she didn't like practicing. When the other girls were stretching, she would be looking off across the field. If the team was jogging, she would be walking as slowly as she possibly could. When it came time to actually cheer at a game, she found that she didn't like that either. All of the other girls would smile brightly and were enthusiastic, not my daughter. She was always frowning and a few moves behind. She really didn't like anything about cheer leading other than the uniform. She absolutely loved wearing the Inkster Raiders uniform. It finally dawned on my husband and I that our daughter just wanted the uniform with no strings attached. She wanted the uniform without enduring the process to get it. I'm sure many Christians can relate to my daughter's situation. Because at one time or another in our lives, we too wanted something that we did not earn. We've seen Christians with the results of their harvests... cars, careers, jobs, husbands, health, houses, faith, or relationships with the Lord that we wanted and became angry, because we didn't have them. We had the nerve to want what they had (their harvests), even though we didn't do what they did (process) to get those things. In order to get those harvests, we have to put God first all the time, even when its not convenient. We shouldn't put him first to just to get things, but to get to know him. What better way to get to know him then by spending time with him praying and reading his word? Mark 6:33 clearly states, "But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Some of us were seeking things when we should have been seeking God. When we put Him first, he gives us his very best harvest. The Lord revealed to me that the Kingdom of God is a process that must be endured. There is no such thing as a short cut in God. This process is stated in Mark 4:26-29, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain-first the stalk, then the head, the the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come." These verses in Mark describe the process of the kingdom of God in us. It starts small as a seed but grows to full maturity as a full kernel of grain that is ready to be harvested. If you want to go to the next level in God, you must go through a similar growing process. The seed went through stages of distinct growth. It all starts with the seed. The seed has to be planted. The stalk first appears, then the head, and the kernel. Notice, this growing period doesn't happen over night. It happens over time. This process was probably more than a little uncomfortable too. Imagine, that first sprout attempting to make its way through the hard soil. That sprout patiently displaces the soil that is directly in front of it a little at a time so that it can inch its way to the surface. The entire time growth is taking place although it is not obvious to the eye. Once close enough to the surface, the tiny sprout bursts through. That part of the process is probably shocking, maybe even stressful to the sprout's system, however the process isn't over yet. That sprout has to grow into a tall wheat stalk that has a head that contains a full kernel of grain. Wheat is measured in stages from 1 (sprout) to 11 (fully mature stalk of wheat). So, the growth process of the sprout must continue until it reaches full maturity as a stalk of wheat at 11. This is the very same process that Christians must endure if we want to grow up in God. Growing up in God happens gradually in stages. I heard Pastor Michael Freeman say it best, "The Kingdom of God is a process not an event." Do not despise the process. I know...I know the process isn't easy. But, what some of us are doing isn't easy either. It's just familiar. Really, I was tired of being in the same place for so long, and I was wondering when the Lord was going to move me to another level. All the while he was showing me what to do, but I wasn't listening. He was waiting for me to make a move in him. When I did, he began to reveal to me what I needed to do. Many times we want God to do the very things that we should be doing. Was this process easy? No. I can't lie to you. It was quite uncomfortable, but well worth it. I can't believe how much my perspective on life has changed. I always wanted to be a writer, but I couldn't seem to find any time to write. The Lord revealed to me that I had as much time as everyone else. I just had to use it properly. That meant becoming an early riser. Before, I never made it out of the bed before about 10:00 am. Now I'm up by 7:00 am, sometimes even earlier. Before, I ran late all the time. Now, I plan to be early. Before, I read the Bible a few times a week. Now, I study it daily. The process called for me to trash some of my old ways, because they were preventing me from doing the very things that I wanted to do. Do you want a harvest? If you answered yes, get ready to grow. Ask the Lord to reveal to you how his kingdom works. Then, ask him to work his kingdom principles in your life.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Choose Joy and Give Thanks

I could complain about a few things. I could complain about my hair. I could complain about my clothes. I could complain about my body. I could complain about my skin. I could complain about my finances. I could complain about my kids. When I really think about it, there are quite a few things that I could really complain about. However, I don't. I used to, but not anymore. What good would it do? It won't get me those things that I want any faster. Actually when I used to subscribe to this method of constant complaining, it made me feel even worse...depressed even. A depressed Christian (This is actually an oxymoron because the pair of words is in direct opposition to one another; They're contradictory.) is easily defeated, because they are allowing their thoughts to run wild. We must control our thoughts. We don't have to receive negative thoughts. Whenever we get one, we should rebuke it and oppose it with the corresponding word of God spoken out of our mouths. I make a conscious effort to control my thoughts. I keep my mind out of the gutter. Now, no matter the circumstance, no matter the situation, I choose joy. I choose to speak about the goodness of the Lord. I choose to speak about his good plans and intentions towards me. I begin each day by speaking Nehemiah 8:10 out of my mouth, "...for the joy of the Lord is my strength." This scripture causes me to think about his think about his greatness...To think about his mightiness... This should cause me to develop a strength in him. A strength that is unshakable. I should begin each day knowing that he has me... period, bottom line. He has me despite the obstacle, despite the problem, and despite the crisis. This is cause for joy! Once I make him my focus and trust him to keep me, he does. He keeps me time after time, after time, after time. I can see what he has done in my life. Then I can say, "Thank you Lord. I'm not where I used to be. Thank you Lord. I'm not who I used to be. Thank you Lord. I don't do what I used to do." Only then I can choose joy and be sincerely thankful.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Although I've always wanted to be a writer, I never thought I'd go about it in this manner. I thought I'd be writing novels similar to Terry McMillan. Boy, I used to love her work. One summer I read all of her early novels. Reading her work confirmed it for me. I would write a novel. A lot has happened between then and now. I never did write that novel, however I'm certain that soon quite a few Christian novels will be birthed out of me. Ten years ago you never could have told me I'd be writing blogs, Christian blogs at that. Back then, I was on another level. I have to laugh and shake my head when I think about it. I was a hot mess! It's amazing to me now how back then when I was doing my own thing, (living by my flesh) and I didn't care who knew. I was out with it. Well, I probably would have cared if the members of my church knew. It probably wouldn't have gone over too well if they knew only a few hours before I had just left the club, stopped for a bite to eat, went home to change, and then went to early service. It would have ruined my whole "churchy" image. I'll try to put this tactfully...I didn't try to hide the fact that I was living in a manner which didn't glorify, God nor was I trying to. I could have been a character straight out of one of Terry McMillan's books. Like I was saying, the way that I lived my life was no secret. I didn't care who knew. My attitude was, "You can love me. You can leave me. Whatever." Having considered my brazen attitude, why then did it take me a few years to be "out" for Christ? If I was bold about my sin, why couldn't I be bold about my righteousness? In the early stages of my walk, I felt like it had to be whispered, almost like a secret. I didn't know how others would feel about it. It must sound crazy, because I went from honestly not caring about anything anyone thought of me to caring about what my friends would think about renewed relationship with the Lord. I call it renewed, because I had been saved much earlier in my life. I just never lived like it. I had always gone to church. I just didn't have a personal relationship with the Lord. I was living to satisfy myself and not him. I had finally made the decision to live for him. Living for him meant that I would have to make changes in my behavior. If I didn't do the things I used to, the "others"would be hurt, because they felt I was different. If I did do those things, I just wouldn't feel right about them. Really, I would feel bad about doing them. I wanted to please my friends, but at the same time, I wanted to please the Lord. This was new for me. Before, I lived for pleasing myself. I spent a great deal of time pondering how my decision of renewing my relationship with the Lord made others feel. This went on for a while until I had enough courage in the Lord to say, "I'm through living like this." I simply walked away from that part of my old life style. I had finally reached the point where I began to be "out" in the Lord. I've noticed the more I grow in Christ, the less I care about what people think about my relationship with Him. But, this growing didn't happen over night. It's been, still is, and will continue to be a process. Although I didn't know it then, Ephesians 4:22-24 was happening in me. I was taking off my old fleshly self and ways. My mind was being renewed, and I was putting on the new me which was created to be like God in "true righteousness and holiness." As I look back and think about it, I realize how great the Lord has been to me. I mean he has just plain shown off in my life. I can't deny him his glory. I can now say without any hesitation, "I'm out!" Think about it. Can you say the same?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Peace Be Still!

"Peace be still." That's exactly what Jesus told the waves as they rocked the boat containing himself and the disciples as they crossed the river in Mark 4:35-41. He rebuked the wind and told the waves to be quiet and be still. Right before this, the disciples woke him from a much needed rest. They became frightened by the whipping wind and the waves that crashed into the boat and over its sides. They were probably wondering how in the world could Jesus be sleeping through a storm like this. They probably thought here he is sleeping and we're about to die. The question is if Jesus was sleeping peacefully at this time, why weren't they? So, they woke him and said, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" This is the question that they asked the the very one whom they witnessed teaching and healing with such authority that everyone took notice. Jesus was preparing the disciples to be fishers of men. He was training them to do what he did. He was teaching them to have the very same authority that he did. When Jesus went to the synagogue to teach, the people were amazed at his teaching because he taught with such authority, not like the teachers of the law. His disciples witnessed the sick making their way to Jesus at all costs. They were there in Mark chapter 2 when some friends of a paralyzed man could not make their way through a huge crowd so they cut a hole in the roof and lowered him through the hole to get his healing. They witnessed such faith acts as these and still allowed the fear of the storm to get the best of them. Here they were on the boat with the redeemer of all mankind and they were consumed with fear. The disciples had a limited view of Jesus. They knew him as a teacher and a healer, because that's what they saw him do. They only believed what they could see. They had no faith. They were walking by sight. That's why Jesus responded to them by saying, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith? He was essentially saying, "Do you not know who I am?" "I thought you knew!" After Jesus rebuked them, they said, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" The very ones who had traveled with him day after day and didn't know who he was. Since they didn't know who he was, how could they possibly have faith in him? Since they didn't know who he was, they couldn't have peace in him. Peace would have come from knowing who he was and trusting that he controlled the situation. They called him, "teacher." They saw him as one who instructs. They didn't see him as saviour, one who could save them from death. To take this even further, because they didn't know who Jesus was, they didn't know who they were in Jesus. Because, they didn't know his full authority, they didn't know their own. Here they were appointed by Jesus to go out into the world to do what he was doing. Any one of them could have stood up and rebuked the waves, but they didn't. Mark 3:14 states, "He appointed twelve-designating them apostles-that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons." They chose to allow this situation to almost over take them, because of their limited view. The disciples were waiting for Jesus to do something for them that they could have done for themselves. This is a wake up call to Christians. You must get a revelation of Jesus. Once you get that revelation, you must get a revelation of who you are in him. For as Jesus was in this world so are we. Today, ask the Lord to give you a revelation of who he is.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Bible: My Handbook For Living

I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't read the Bible. I read it as a child, as a teenager, as a college student, and I read it now. I always knew that it was the right thing to do. Don't all "good Christians" read the Bible? I also knew that it contained some very important lessons that I could apply to my life, but I had no idea that it was my supernaturally handbook for life. After all these years of reading the Bible and attending church, I heard my pastor say that the Bible is the believer's handbook for life. Wow! That was deep! In all my years, I never looked at it like that. I had never heard anyone else say that. Some of you may be thinking, "Hello! I thought everybody knew that." I guess I was a little late in getting that memo. Well, if I had known that, maybe I would have made it my business to be more diligent about reading and retaining it. Since my pastor made that statement, I started to view the Bible differently. Not only do I read it daily, but now I study it to find out everything I don't know about life. I read to see who did what and who said what and to find the outcome. See, I didn't know that life came with a supernatural instruction manual. When my daughter was younger and I was a young mother I would think, "Man I wish she came with some type of instructions, because they would surely make my life a lot easier." If only I had known sooner that life came with instructions. Which ever you choose to call it instructions or handbook, its purpose remains the same, to instruct Christians how to function supernaturally in this earth. I even read the Bible differently now. I read it and reread it. I analyze it. I ponder it. I pray over it. I meditate on it. I apply it. It is a textbook for us. We can read to see how it unfolds. It removes all of the guess work from life. It has sure made my life a lot easier.

What Is Your Report?

Two people can see the same thing and give two totally different accounts of it. The accounts can be so very different that you wonder if both individuals actually saw the same thing. For example, if two individuals saw a glass of water, one might say, "My glass is half empty. It's almost gone." While the other might say, "My glass is half full. I have plenty." Another example can be found in the book of Numbers the thirteenth chapter. The Lord told Moses to send some his men to spy out the land of Canaan which he was going to give to them. It was a land that flowed with "milk and honey." He was told to send a leader from each of the Twelve Tribes. Before deploying the men, Moses told them to check out the land and the people. After checking out the land and the people for forty days, they returned home. Upon their return, the twelve all agreed that the land did "flow with milk and honey." That's where their agreement ended, and the negative report began. Ten out of the twelve went on to say that the land's inhabitants were powerful and strong. They said the inhabitants were much stronger than they and thus infected the Israelites with their bad report. Caleb, one of the two who had a good report, said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." The men who had gone with Caleb became instantly enraged. They basically said, "Are you crazy? They' ll kill us. They are a bunch of giants and we're not. We couldn't possibly win against them." That was the beginning of the end. The bad report spread and infected the Israelites. The Israelites became distracted by the giants they saw in the land and failed to remember that the Lord was giving them that land. They were looking at what they couldn't do when they should have been looking to the Lord to see what he would do. Caleb and Joshua, the two who had good reports, attempted to tell the Israelites how great the land was, and that if they obeyed God he would protect them and give them the land. Unfortunately, the Israelites didn't make it into the land at that time. The end result was the Israelites were punished for their disbelief. They were punished for not trusting God. The same God that delivered them from Egypt with miraculous signs and wonders. They were made to wander in the wilderness for forty years, one year for each of the forty days they spied out the land. During this time, every man over the age of twenty would die in the desert except for Joshua and Caleb. The other ten with the bad reports were "struck down with a plague before the Lord." The Lord gave the Israelites a preview of the good land he was going to give them. The land was great! Instead of seeing this great gift that the Lord was giving them, they were distracted by the giants. They allowed the giants to block their view of the land's goodness and the Lord's greatness. The Israelites really should have seen the giants as God's problem, because God was giving them the land. Since he was giving them the land, he would have made the proper provision for them to receive it. God would have dealt with the giants if the Israelites had allowed him . Instead, they grumbled that they couldn't possibly win against them. They never even asked God how they should proceed. What is your report? Will you walk away from your blessing because of giants, or with the Lord's help will you take the land? Will you be like the ten out of the twelve with a negative report, or will you be like the minority,Caleb and Joshua, the two out of the twelve, with a positive report? Remember, when the Lord gets ready to bless you, he will make the provision for you to receive the blessing. What is your report?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Flourishing Under the Hand of Adversity

I will never forget my college years. They were one of the most STRESSFUL times in my life. They were just plain difficult. I was a young, bitter, broke (financially and emotionally), divorced mother attempting to get a degree, so that I could support myself and my child. During that time, nothing seemed to go my way. I had a work study job and at times worked two jobs, but I still didn't have enough money. Although I was blessed to be given a car free and clear, it seemed to break down all the time at the most inopportune times. I never had enough time. I didn't have enough time to spend with my child. I didn't have enough time to do homework. I didn't have enough time to have down time. I was always in a rush. Time seemed to be a rare commodity then. The odds seemed to be against me. Each morning I prayed for the Lord to keep me in my right mind. I hoped every day would not be the big day...the day I lost my mind. To the physical eye, I probably looked like a basket case. What the enemy meant to destroy me, the Lord used to build me. Spiritually, the Lord was growing me (Although, I didn't know it then). In the first chapter of the book of Exodus, the Israelites were growing in the midst of a horrible situation. They were forced into labor by the Egyptians. The Israelites became the slaves of Egypt. The Egyptians worked them unmercilessly. It seemed like the odds were against them. However, the Egyptians found that the more they "...oppressed the Israelites, the more they multiplied and spread..." Here Pharaoh and the Egyptians were trying to break the Israelites with hard labor, but all the while they were growing, multiplying. Under Pharaoh's oppressive hand, they were increasing. While under the strongest of adversities they were ever increasing. The Egyptians made their lives bitter with hard labor and worked them ruthlessly and still they grew. How great is that? In the natural, I'm sure the Israelites must have looked like they were at their lowest point. They probably looked like they wouldn't make it another day. What the enemy meant to destroy the Israelites, God used to expand them. In the spiritual, they were huge! In the spiritual they were, multiplying, growing, increasing, gaining, and spreading. God was preparing them for where they were going. Wherever we may be in life, God is there. When a situation may seem dismal, bleak, or just plain bad, God is there. He is there turning that situation around and working it out for our good. God is using it to grow us and expand us. He is processing us for the next level. He is sending us through a process, so that we will be prepared for that next level. We have to experience some things that will grow us up in the Lord. Is this a comfortable process? No. Is it necessary? Definitely. Although those college years were rough, I learned so much. Now, I know those years served as my growing time. I was being trained. I had to grow. I couldn't go to that next level in the state that I had been previously. It wouldn't have worked. I wouldn't have had what it took to be successful. I learned to trust God. Those times taught me to be diligent, determined, motivated, brave, strong, committed... and the list continues. I took all of the training I received with me to the next level, and I was successful. I continue to be successful because of what the Lord birthed out of me then. If you find yourself in a situation similar to this, ask the Lord what you need to learn where you are.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Royally Redeemed

Royally Redeemed is quite a fitting name. Actually, when I think about how the Lord redeemed me from a life of self destruction, I couldn't call this blog site anything else. It is a living testament of exactly where He has brought me and what He is doing in me. Every time I read the book of Ruth I am reminded of the Lord's constant care, love, and provision for me. I am reminded that no matter how dismal a situation may look, the Lord still has a plan for my life. Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, thought they were left hopeless in a foreign land after the passing of their husbands. They returned to Naomi's home, Bethlehem. Naomi was old and bitter. While there, the Lord's plan for their lives unfolded. Not only were they redeemed from a life of pain and poverty, the Lord more than restored what they lost in a royal fashion. Ruth became the wife of the wealthy, well established business owner, Boaz. Naomi became the grandmother of Ruth's son Obed, who was the grandfather of David, who slayed the Philistine Goliath and went on to become King of Israel. I'm sure they never once thought something so great could happen to them seeing from which they came. The Lord redeemed the pair from loss, pain, and poverty. Ruth was now a happily remarried mother. Her son was the grandfather of KingDavid. Look at how the Lord worked that out! Naomi, once bitter, was also royally restored. She had a daughter-in-law who was loyal to her, took care of her, and treated her better than any son could. Her grandson was a direct descendant of Jesus Christ. The Lord redeemed me from a mess of a life running over with deception, rebellion, anger, lawlessness, conceit, selfishness...and the list continued. To sum it up... I was OUT OF MY MIND! Thank you Jesus I am redeemed from the curse of the law. I am no longer the person I was. I am a new creation in Christ. The Lord continues to royally restore me more and more. I'm in my right mind, I have discipline and self control, and I no longer live according to my flesh. Everything in my life isn't perfect, but I have JOY, regardless of the situation! The best part is my story is just beginning!