Monday, December 3, 2007

New Position: Stay- at- Home Mom

I had no idea of what I was getting into when I requested this position. The usual banter on the job site was, "No, you didn't. Yes, I did. No, you didn't. Mom, tell her I didn't..."If I heard that one more time, I thought I might just SCREAM! If it wasn't that, then it was, "Mom can you get me...? Then, can you get me...? OK mom?" I heard this every day all day long from the time they awoke until the time they went to sleep. Back then, it would have been nicer to hear something like, "Mom can I get you anything for a change?" It would have been even nicer to hear, "You know what mom I'm not going to ask you for one more thing. I'm just going to sit here and watch the channel that I've been watching and be content. I'm not going to ask you to do one more thing." By the time my youngest two went to bed, I didn't want anyone to ask me for anything. Since I lived in the real world, that couldn't have happened, because that was usually when one of my oldest had an urgent request that had to be fulfilled as soon as possible. She usually needed me to curl her hair, proof read her homework, or tell her if the two shades of black in her outfit matched. I used to think, "Man, can they do anything without me? Do I have to be the center of every activity?" My pressing question was, " What time do I get off? When can I punch out?" When I was a teacher, my work day began at 7:25 am and it ended at 2:50 pm. I knew once 2:50 hit my job at the high school was over for that day. My new position, didn't come with a quitting time. I soon realized that I worked around the clock although I never negotiated my work hours. "Hey, I want to talk to the boss around here, because I know my contract couldn't be right," I thought. That nagging voice in my head wanted to say, "Excuse me, Excuse me, where's the supervisor, because I need to get to the bottom of this." I traded one job where I worked 7.5 hours per day and no weekends for one where I was always on call, 24/7. In my former position, I was paid biweekly and received benefits. My new job didn't come with a financial salary nor medical benefits. "This couldn't be legal," I thought. "To do the kind of work that I do and not get paid...that must be against the law." The qualifications for this type of job are bravery, strength, determination, motivation, patience, endurance, and, optimism. Individuals applying for this position must be saved and have a working relationship with Jesus Christ (They're sure going to need it.). Applicants should be forewarned that in this position, "Only the strong survive. The weak need not apply. If you can't run with the big dogs remain at your current position." My job was not a job for wimps nor whiners. My job is full time motherhood. Believe me, It's no joke! When I first started, I had no idea what I was in for. As a teacher, I commanded the attention of up to 25 teenagers and I had struggled to get one toddler and one baby to sit down and watch Sesame Street while I took a shower. "Excuse me," there was that voice again. "Where's the person in charge? Someone must have made a mistake, because this isn't what I signed up for." Those first few months at home were a challenge. Once again, I had to grow up and step up. I reminded myself that I was the one who said I wanted to be a stay -at- home mom more than anything. I was the one that said I gave other people's kids my best and gave mine what was left. I was the one that said I finally wanted to get this "mommy thing" right. I was the one that prayed to become a stay- at- home mom and confessed daily that I was. I was the one that prayed for patience, gentleness, and compassion in dealing with my children. I had to get over myself. I had to stop thinking about me and start thinking more about my children and what was best for them. Once I prayed for patience, gentleness, and compassion, it was on. The time soon came when I had to exercise them. I just didn't know that I would have to exercise them all at the same time over and over and over again. Once I got over myself, I started to view my new position in a new light. I used to think, "How many hours do I have until 8:00 pm (bedtime)?" Now I think of fun activities that they will enjoy doing. I had to see this new situation for the blessing that it really was. It is truly a blessing to be a stay- at -home mom. I am finally able to slow down and spend the time with my children that I had always wanted to spend. I am able to do all of the things with them that I want to do. I am able to teach them all of the things that I want them to know. I am able to be the mother I've always known I could be. Do I mind now being the center of every activity? I don't mind at all. Actually, I wouldn't have it any other way. I fully enjoy my children now. I marvel at their growth and can't believe one may actually be leaving me to begin kindergarten soon. How fast the time flies when you're having fun. That's right, I said fun. I've come a long way from wanting a paycheck and wanting to punch out. Sometimes, I just want to stop time for a little while, so that I can have them to myself a little longer. I know that's impossible. Instead, I've learned to actually live in the moment and enjoy our time together. I did have to repent for my old way of thinking. It was just plain wrong of me to complain about such a wonderful blessing. Now, when I wake up every morning, I consider myself blessed for having such a wonderful opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Truly the best job. Truly blessed!

Erika said...

Thank you so much for taking your time to read it.

Summer said...

Being a SAHM can be so hard, but brings so much joy!

Thanks for submitting to the Carnival of SAHMs!

Erika said...

Thank you Summer, for making my blog a part of your carnival.