Friday, November 9, 2007

Royally Redeemed

Royally Redeemed is quite a fitting name. Actually, when I think about how the Lord redeemed me from a life of self destruction, I couldn't call this blog site anything else. It is a living testament of exactly where He has brought me and what He is doing in me. Every time I read the book of Ruth I am reminded of the Lord's constant care, love, and provision for me. I am reminded that no matter how dismal a situation may look, the Lord still has a plan for my life. Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, thought they were left hopeless in a foreign land after the passing of their husbands. They returned to Naomi's home, Bethlehem. Naomi was old and bitter. While there, the Lord's plan for their lives unfolded. Not only were they redeemed from a life of pain and poverty, the Lord more than restored what they lost in a royal fashion. Ruth became the wife of the wealthy, well established business owner, Boaz. Naomi became the grandmother of Ruth's son Obed, who was the grandfather of David, who slayed the Philistine Goliath and went on to become King of Israel. I'm sure they never once thought something so great could happen to them seeing from which they came. The Lord redeemed the pair from loss, pain, and poverty. Ruth was now a happily remarried mother. Her son was the grandfather of KingDavid. Look at how the Lord worked that out! Naomi, once bitter, was also royally restored. She had a daughter-in-law who was loyal to her, took care of her, and treated her better than any son could. Her grandson was a direct descendant of Jesus Christ. The Lord redeemed me from a mess of a life running over with deception, rebellion, anger, lawlessness, conceit, selfishness...and the list continued. To sum it up... I was OUT OF MY MIND! Thank you Jesus I am redeemed from the curse of the law. I am no longer the person I was. I am a new creation in Christ. The Lord continues to royally restore me more and more. I'm in my right mind, I have discipline and self control, and I no longer live according to my flesh. Everything in my life isn't perfect, but I have JOY, regardless of the situation! The best part is my story is just beginning!


Anonymous said...

I read Ruth for the first time and and really received the message of how God has our life planned for us and no matter what we go through, It shall pass, and will only make us stronger, spritually and mentally.

Erika said...

True. The key is trusting God. "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us."