Thursday, January 24, 2008
Obedience: The Prerequisite
In Exodus Chapter 33, we find that while Moses was with God on Mt. Sinai for forty days receiving the Ten Commandments and the laws God wanted them to live by, Aaron, under pressure from the people, created a golden calf for them to worship. Just that quickly they resorted back to their sinfully familiar ways. The people were in a state of complete chaos. The end result was Aaron and the Levites slayed 3,000, God struck them with a plague, and he refused to travel with them to the Promise Land. In fact, God was so angry with them he said he couldn't travel with them, because he might kill them on the way. Moses, who was called a friend of God because "God spoke with him as a friend," pleaded with God to travel with them because he didn't want to go without him. The Lord said, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." God finally consented. "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name." Wow! God consented to Moses' request of traveling with them to the Promise Land, despite his anger with the Israelites. He changed his mind because he was pleased with Moses. Moses did exactly what God requested of him. What God requested of Moses wasn't simple simple or easy to do. He requested Moses to lead his people from Egypt and into the Promise Land. Let me reiterate, Moses' job was by no means simple or easy. He had to leave his home of forty years, go back to a land that he was forced to flee, tell them what God said, and listen to the Israelites complaints on a consistent basis. At times, I wonder if Moses thought, "Why me?" It was his job to lead the people that God called "stiff necked people," the Israelites. One minute they said they would do exactly as God requested of them and after forty days they were doing as they were requested not to do and what they said they wouldn't do. So Moses' job was definitely not easy even though God raised him up for it. His job was a continual pressing for him. Everything that Moses had done up to that point wasn't simple, in fact, it had been quite a challenge. God rewarded him by honoring his request of traveling with them when he first said that he wouldn't. If we want God's presence, we must honor him with our obedience as Moses did, not some of the time, but all of the time. Obedience isn't an option. It's a prerequisite to fellowship with God. Obedience is key in honoring God. In order to obey God, the flesh has to be killed. After fleeing Egypt, Moses was a sheep herder in the desert for forty years. Any no good thing that was in him at the start of that period had to be worked out of him by the close of that forty years in order for God to use him to lead his people (the killing of his flesh). A chore that some would have looked at as menial was his training ground for leading the Israelites. God had to make Moses into a vessel that he could use. Over that forty year period, he reworked him. Remember, Moses killed an Egyptian when he saw him beating an Israelite. That temper and anger had to be pressed out of him. Just as Moses had to under go a transition period, so did the Israelites, and so do we. Consider this...Moses went from being a murderer to being hand picked by God to lead his people out of Egypt. How awesome is that? What did it take to get Moses to that point? OBEDIENCE! What will it take to get us to that point? The same Obedience. There is no way around it. If we expect to get the same results that Moses did that day, than we have to put forth the same obedience that he did prior to that point. First, we need to find favor with God by being determined to be obedient to his Word even when it's not easy to do. We must submit ourselves to the Word of God. We must tell him, "Lord your will be done and not my own." Next, we must pray what Moses said to God in verse 13, "Lord, if you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you." That should be our prayer, meditation, and confession. You will be amazed as God grows you up in his Word. Our level of obedience is directly connected to how God can use us in his kingdom.
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