Think before you speak, instead of giving everyone a piece of your mind.
Exercise discipline and self control in every area of your life, instead of being slothful and out of a balance.
Pray for the needs of everyone, instead of just yours and your family's.
Look for ways to serve others, instead of trying to run everybody and everything.
Treat others the way you want to be treated, instead of reserving good treatment for family and friends.
Choose to live by the Word, instead of your emotions.
Realize that your pastor's sermon is for you, instead of your friend.
Ask the Lord to see your spouse the way that he sees him, instead of complaining about what you think is his every shortcoming
Take responsibility for your actions, instead of blaming others.
According to Pastor Michael Freeman, "Do not paint the wrong picture of sin."
Admit when you're wrong and say sorry, instead of acting like you're always right.
Choose to keep a positive perspective, instead of being beaten by worry.
Admit that you don't have to know every thing about everybody and turn a deaf ear to gossip, instead of being an "Enquiring Mind."
Pray everyday, instead of only when you need something.
Be a good steward over all that you have, instead of only those things you deem important.
Receive correction and instruction, instead of being unteachable.
Believe God for what you can't see, instead of limiting God to what you can only see.
Increase the time you spend reading the Bible, instead of only reading it during Sunday School and church as instructed by the teacher and the pastor.
Live up to those high expectations that you set for everyone else, instead of giving yourself an out.
Extend the benefit of the doubt to everyone again and again, instead of being so quick to make an assumption about them.