Monday, January 14, 2008

Preparing for Marriage

If you or someone you know is looking to be married to a Godly husband, please refer her to my post "Who Wants to be Married?" It will make all the difference in your life or hers. Preparing for a Godly marriage is a process. Your mind has to be in the right place. So many times women waste time fantasizing about a fairytale wedding and prince charming. Neither of them exist. Your time could be better spent studying the Bible and Biblically inspired books to find out what God has to say about marriage. Now should be the time that you prepare yourself for marriage. Don't wait until Mr. Right gets here. Begin now. Get everything in order...home, finances, health, mind, relationship with the Lord. Clean your house. Get rid of those things that you no longer use or are out dated. If you're not doing so, start a savings account. If you have any debts, pay them down. Get a physical. Make sure your health is in order. If you need to lose weight, then do it now. Ask the Lord to prepare your mind for marriage. Take your mind off yourself. Once you're married, it won't be about you anymore. You will become a "we." Put the Lord first. Spend time with him daily. Make it a priority to keep him first even after you're married. Be the person that you want to marry. If you know that you want to marry a good thing, then know that he does too, so get you're act together. Don't set such high expectations for him that you don't meet yourself. Think about what you're bringing to the table. Do what is listed in "Who Wants to get Married?" and soon your future husband will find you

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