If you want to be married, this is a list of things that you should do in preparation for marriage. Preparing one's self for a Godly marriage is a process. This is not something that will happen over night. I repeat it is a process. How many months must a woman carry a baby before delivery? How long does it take to actually start a business? How long does it take to get a driver's license. Each of the items I just listed involves a different process. A process does not happen over night. This marriage preparation does work. However, you must be committed to do the work that comes with it. I did it and met my husband shortly after this.
Think about why you want to get married (be honest). Make a list. Make sure your reasons for wanting to be married are acceptable to God.
Become the type of person that you want to marry. Create a list of specific things that you want in a husband. Make sure you possess each thing.
Do you cook? If you answered, "No." You'd better learn.
Trash extra baggage. If you're carrying baggage from an old relationship or past hurt. Heal, forgive if you need to, and move on.
Sever all ties to past relationships. Get rid of old love letters, photos, and/or mementos from former beaus. No need to reminiscence about the past, because you're moving on.
Clean up. Clean up you mind and attitude. Clean up your apartment or house. Clean up your finances. Clean up your health.
Read the book of Esther in the Bible. Read carefully about the process that she under went in preparation to be received by the king. Meditate on her favorable characteristics.
Read Proverbs 31. Speak those things that be not and confess that you are a Proverbs 31 Wife. Understand what this type of wife looks like. This is your goal.
Read the Bible to find out what God says about marriage. Read Christian books to prepare your mind for marriage. While reading, find out what your role is to be in the marriage.
Pray about it. Tell the Lord you're ready to begin the marriage process. Let him speak to you about it. Tell him the type of wife you're ready to become. Specifically, list the characteristics you'd like your future husband to possess. Ask God to remove any marriage hindering attitudes from you. Pray for your future husband. You don't have to know his name or who he is. Pray for the protection, wisdom, favor, finances, and strength of your future husband. Those same things that you pray for yourself, pray for him. Allow the Lord to choose your husband. Once you've gone through the list, ask the Lord to bless you with eyes to see your future husband. The Lord doesn't care about "your type." He could care less about the type of guy you're usually attracted to. Get rid of that picture. The Lord looks at the inside. If you allow the Lord to choose your husband, he will bless you with so much more than you ever could have imagined.
ok...this is some good stuff, would make a great book.
Thank you. One day soon it will be.
You are correct about the process.. it took me and my wife three years to get it together and it is still a growing process. Keep up the good work. Cooking is a skills that every marriage needs.
Thanks for your comment. Marriage itself is a process. Based on the situations within a marriage, it will evolve. The cooking piece is quite important.I'm not saying that every wife has to be a chef, but every wife should at least know how to do the basics in the kitchen.
Wow...I'm so glad I found this even though it's years later. Everything God has been speaking to me about was confirmed right here!! Thank you!
I am going through the process. Pray for me
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